Margaret is a teacher, transformational coach, spiritual director, workshop facilitator, speaker and author.

Margaret Loftus


The Enneagram

Make yourself easier to work with ….. apply understanding of your Enneagram type and those of your team mates for better workplace interactions


Emotional Intelligence is the greatest predictor of success in the workplace, far outweighing technical capability. Why? Because smart leaders and team members truly understand that working with others effectively and making yourself easy to work with will reap real results for the team and the bottom line. Successful organisations know they must harness the focus, will and capability of team members more than ever to get the job done!





Strengthen your relationship

 With some helpful tools, much can be resolved and your relationship can be both happier and healthier.

Knowing Me Understanding Others?

Increase your emotional health by understanding your personality style and what motivates your behaviour. 

Dealing with conflict

Recognise what triggers conflict, why it can be a positive innovator and how to avoid unresolved conflict.