Make Yourself Easier to work with ….. apply understanding of your Enneagram type and those of your team mates for better workplace interactions

Emotional Intelligence is the greatest predictor of success in the workplace, far outweighing technical capability. Why? Because smart leaders and team members truly understand that working with others effectively and making yourself easy to work with will reap real results for the team and the bottom line. Successful organisations know they must harness the focus, will and capability of team members more than ever to get the job done!

Leading organisations in Australia and internationally such as LGProfessionals, Coca Cola, Best Buy, RAC Tas, StarPoint, Toyota, NuEar and Disney are applying the insights provided by the system to enhance communications, sales, leadership capability and stakeholder engagement with transformational results.

The Enneagram’s nine personality types will provide your people with insight into their own personal strengths, values, patterns of attention, blind spots and resistance to change. Application of the Enneagram frees us up to experiment with new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, helping us develop a balanced set of competencies that make us easier to work with. This profound system brings our motivators and behavioural patterns into our awarenessmaking us more effective communicators, helping us form more authentic workplace relationships and importantly facilitating better outcomes and business results.

The Enneagram’s ancient roots go back 2000-4000 years or more, and it is growing in usage and popularity throughout the world today.

The word enneagram comes from the Greek words ennea (“nine”) and gram (“something written or drawn”) and refers to the nine points on the Enneagram symbol. The nine different Enneagram styles, identified as numbers One through Nine, reflect distinct habits of thinking, feeling, and behaving, with each style connected to a unique path of development.

Each of us has only one place, or number, on the Enneagram; while our Enneagram style remains the same throughout our lifetime, the characteristics of our type may either soften or become more pronounced as we grow and develop.

In addition to our core Enneagram style, there are four other styles that provide additional qualities to our personalities; these are called wings and arrows.

Enneagram diagram


Wings are the Enneagram styles on each side of your core Enneagram style. These are secondary styles of your core personality style, which means that you may also display some of the characteristics of these Enneagram styles. Wings do not fundamentally change your Enneagram style; they merely add additional qualities to your core personality.


The two styles with arrows that point toward and away from your Enneagram style can also influence your personality

Arrow lines refer to the two styles on the Enneagram symbol that have arrows pointing away from or toward your core Enneagram style, and you may show some characteristics of one or both of these two additional styles. Access to your wings and arrow lines can be beneficial to you, adding complexity, nuance, and flexibility to your personality, but they do not change your fundamental style – that is, your patterns of thinking and feeling and motivational structure remain the same.

The Enneagram is an in depth, psycho-spiritual system which does not put you in a box . Rather, it frees you up and shows you how to get out of it